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Living Memorial Guidelines


I.  Living Memorial Ideas and Examples
II. Featured Images & Biographical Information Guidelines
III. Milestone Guidelines
     A. Photos/Images
     B. Video 
     C. Audio 
     D. Document
     E. Tribute/Short Note
     F. Story/Memory
     G. Poem
IV. Frequently Asked Questions

Let Us Help You Get Started!

We are available to support you through this process.
For assistance with digitization or submitting your content to the Living Memorial, please schedule a help session.
Call: +1 (305) 665-6740
Call/text/WhatsApp +1 (305) 775-1071

3 Easy Steps to Add a Tribute or Memory

  1. Log in / Create Account (New registrants receive a verification email.)

  2. Search for your loved one's page in the Living Memorial - Find a Victim / Honor a Victim (Search by name, nationality, or key word.)

  3. Add content (Click here to watch the how-to video. See guidelines below for detailed specifications and examples.)

Jerry Avritt
Mark Rein
Eric Williams
Alexander Lowenstein
Frank Ciulla
Arthur Fondiler
Asaad Vejdany
Gianfranca Di Nardo
Barry Valentino
Elyse Saraceni
Amy Shapiro
Andrea Rosenthal
Clare Bacciochi
Daniel Rosenthal
Helga Mosey
Janos Roller
Jay Kingham
Andrew Gillies-Wright
Frederick Phillips
Myra Royal
Michael Buser
Jane Morgan
Olive Gordon
Paul Freeman
Rachel Jeffreys
Charlotte Stinnett

I. Living Memorial Ideas & Examples

The Living Memorial is a dynamic site that celebrates the unique lives of the victims of the Pan Am 103 terrorist attack against America over Lockerbie, Scotland. It is designed to live in perpetuity, and it will grow as more loved ones contribute content. The Foundation suggests considering materials that highlight milestones and achievements or capture the personality and interests of your loved one. You can share stories, photos, tributes, videos, audio, documents, and other tokens of memory.

The Living Memorial includes a GALLERY PAGE featuring color headshots of the 270 victims who died in the attack and an INDIVIDUAL VICTIM PAGE for each of the 270 victims where loved ones are invited to share memories / milestones. These guidelines have been developed to display your materials in the best way possible within these pages. All submissions should feature, highlight, or pertain to the victim. For an example of a Living Memorial, see the pages for John Cummock and Miriam Wolfe

Miriam Luby Wolfe Living Memorial Page

II. Featured Images & Biographical Information

Headshot plus four additional images, official bio, and victim's information will appear at the top of each individual victim's page.

Headshot Guidelines

  • Color photograph preferred.
  • Taken as close to December 1988 as possible.
  • No sunglasses.
  • Prefer focus on head and shoulders; avoid extreme closeup of face.
  • If a wider shot, the photo must be high-enough resolution to allow cropping to head and shoulders.
  • Prefer a photo of the person alone.
  • If a photo includes other people, they must be spaced apart, so the victim can be individually cropped; avoid photos with people very close together, arms around shoulder, etc.
  • Features a close-up of the person's face or is high-enough resolution to be cropped to the person's face.
  • Resolution: Minimum 500 X 500px wide (prefer 1000px) when cropped to head and shoulders; clear images.
  • Format: Digital photo in jpg, jpeg, png & tiff.
  • Include date for the photo.  

Four Additional Image Guidelines 

  • Feature victim alone or with others
  • Color or B&W
  • Include date
  • Format: Digital photo in jpg, jpeg, png, tiff

Biographical Information

Loved ones are invited to update biographical information from On Eagles' Wings. Bios are intended to reflect highlights of an individual's life, passions, background, personality, and accomplishments. The following victim information is included on the each victim's page:

  • Full Name
  • Nationality
  • Date of Birth
  • Seat Number
  • City and State
  • Occupation

Submit Featured Images & Biographical Information

Email your submission to Requests to update/change this content should be made in writing. Submissions will be reviewed within 72 hours, published within 48 hours post-approval.

Milestone Example Emerson Story About John Cummock
Milestone examples John Cummock tributes and audio
Milestone Example John Cummock Eagle Scout Ceremony

III. Milestones

You or future generations may share images, memories, tributes, write messages, and contribute audio, video, photographs, and other tokens of memory. The following content types may be added to the Living Memorial, where they will be displayed along a timeline on the victim's individual page. 


Photos may feature favorite memories from the life of the victim, with others or alone.

  • Color or B&W
  • Resolution: Minimum 400px wide, prefer 800px
  • File type: jpg, png, gif, jpeg
  • Maximum file size: 10 MB


Video submissions may consist of short or edited clips of special moments from the victim's life with others or alone.

  • Upload maximum file size / duration: 100 MB or 5 minutes
  • Live recording maximum duration: 3 minutes
  • File type: .mp4, .avi, .mov & .ogv


Audio submissions may consist of audio recordings of the victim or that pertain to the victim.

  • Upload maximum file size / duration: 100 MB or 5 minutes
  • Live recording maximum duration: 3 minutes
  • File type: mp3, wav, aac


Documents must pertain to the victim. Consider digitized versions of memorial programs. artwork, letters, cards, and newspaper clippings.

  • Maximum file size: 10 MB

Tribute / Short Note

Short notes and tributes must feature or pertain to the victim. A short note may be a brief personal message.

  • Maximum character count: No limit

Story / Memory

Share a favorite story or memory that pertains to the victim.

  • Maximum character count: No limit


Share the victim's favorite poem, a poem written about or by the victim, or a poem you'd like to dedicate to them.

  • Maximum character count: No limit

Submit Milestones (Add Content)

Submissions will be reviewed within 72 hours, published within 48 hours post-approval.

IV. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Review the guidelines. Gather and prepare some of the materials you would like to submit.  Digitize photos, videos, newspaper clippings etc. Write down any thoughts you'd like to record or memories you wish to write about. Search for the person you would like to honor in the Living Memorial, go to their page and click Add Content. 


Do I need an account to submit?

To upload content directly to the Living Memorial you must have an account. After you choose "Add Content" you will be prompted to Log in / Create an account. Having an account gives you access to all of the features of the Living Memorial, ensures that your submissions are properly attributed, and helps the Foundation verify each online contributor. Please schedule a help session for assistance setting up your account and uploading your content:
Call: +1 (305) 665-6740
Call/text/WhatsApp +1 (305) 775-1071

Content may also be submitted via email to Please be sure to include a date and description. Request for featured image / headshot changes and changes to victim biographical information must be emailed.


How long does it take for submissions to be approved? 

After you submit your memorial content, the Foundation staff will review your submission. Once approved, submissions will be posted within 72 hours. If you submit via email, please give the Foundation some additional time to review and prepare the content.